Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Why Reputation Management is Becoming a Priority for Every Business

It is a great exposure for businesses when satisfied customers leave positive reviews or share their positive brand experiences with the audience on social media. Positive comments are great for a company, negative ones can be dangerous. Online reputation management helps businesses to know what others are saying about their business and to track their company’s online reputation.

There are many other reasons why it’s important to hire a reputation management company to help you with digital marketing. Here are a couple of reasons to consider getting one.

Increase output

Almost every individual are looking for brands, services and products online before they make final purchase. If you do not know what they are looking for then you are already missing out a purchase. You should not wait for the time for your sales to start dropping. You should have a valuable insight about what your target audience is looking and thus, you need a worthy online reputation management service.

Online insights

Many businesses have lost their confidence of the target audience due to gossip, speculation and rumors. Because of the negative information many business just vanishes from the market. Thus, it has become very essential to have an online insight about your business and the related products.

Build trust and reliability

Gaining the trust of your clients is a major component of success. Your clients discuss their purchases with friends, about both good and bad comments. They will most likely spread the word about their experience.  The internet makes everyone a citizen journalist. If your company suffers a loss of confidence in the public, there is a chance that you will never be able to turn it positive again.

One of the best ways to maintain a positive reputation in Edmonton, is to be proactive about customer service,be quick in online feedback and choose the best one from the many reputation management companies.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

5 Common Mistakes A Web Developer Should Avoid

In today's competitive business environment, an online presence is essential if you want to build your brand and attract new customers. You need a web presence to win the competition. Many small business owners feel that the technology involved may be too complicated. But it isn’t true.

5% of Internet users make judgments about company’s credibility based on its design.  In fact, 46% of people claim that a website’s appearance is one principle for determining the legitimacy of a company.

What does your website tells about your business?
If you have made any of the following mistakes in your site’s design, it will convey wrong message to your customers and will push away some portion of your proposed audience.

Difficult to Navigate

Web design is about functionality and user experience, which are incredibly important for web development. If your links are scattered or users cannot find your navigation menu, you won’t be able to hold consumer attention for longer time. They will leave your website if it takes too long for load. To avoid leading your visitors into the depths of confusion, devote some time in planning the structure of the website.

No Analytics

Think of your website as an investment. It will be beneficial for you the investment to analyze progress and measure success. Online marketing will benefit if it is able to easily test, track and adjust. This can be done with a widely used tool that is Google analytics. This will give you loads of valuable information about user behaviors. If you will couple this data with pay per click campaign, you will be able to target your online marketing to an audience that brings your business.

Weak SEO

SEO is considered to be a mix of keywords, Meta descriptions, tags and backlinks. There is no magic formula to increase the SEO.  If your website has the following things for search engine optimization, you can get success.

  • Focus on Long-tail Keywords
  • Post Quality Content Regularly
  • Foster Social Engagement

The purpose of putting light on these mistakes is to make you aware of the common mistakes made in different stages of web development process and to help you become a better developer. Thus, an efficient web developer in Canada and everywhere should avoid the above mistake and find the cost effective solution for custom web development and web application development.